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Demystifying Pre-Construction

Dec 16, 2020Design / Build

When you’re a Design-Builder, there are frequent discussions about the design and construction phases of a project. Many do not realize, however, that any good project begins with a “Pre-Construction” phase. This is composed of a series of purposeful steps geared toward complete alignment before any hammer swings.


Here, we give an introduction to the key steps in the LEVEL5 Pre-Construction phase:

Programming – Once the scope of a given project comes to light, and perhaps the market analysis is complete, the Programming phase of a project can officially commence.

At this point, LEVEL5 has probably conducted a deep-dive questionnaire with your organization. The questionnaires and series of interviews uncovered during the Consulting phase help set the right path with informed data for the right decision. We revisit the questions in the Programming phase, though. A whole new host of questions and deep-dives join them in an effort to lay the foundation of what will eventually become your project.

The reason the Programming is so thorough and important is that it is all about building your budget.

We discuss every zone in the branch or office building, make design choices, and discuss furnishings and finishes.

With this outlined in the Programming document, your team will review for accuracy and receive a budget aligned to scope.

Once this is entirely done and signed off, the next phase begins.

Basis of Design (BOD) – The Basis of Design is exactly what it sounds like, a baseline, or foundation for the final design to come. The renderings and floor plans delivered in this phase are the embodiment of everything captured in the Programming phase. They are early stage drawings, however, and likely will be different than the final drawings.

In addition to the early drawings, we will continue to carry the budget and anticipated project schedule through for visibility.

Schematic Design (SD) – This stage represents the first true evolved design. It will demonstrate the initial feedback from the drawings put forth at the Basis of Design. This stage includes the Architectural Site Plan, Floor Plan and Exterior Elevations.

Design Development (DD) – The renderings continue to evolve here. Now, they represent the critical juncture when drawings go from a conceptual evolution to sitting on the cusp of being finalized as Construction Drawings. This stage includes Engineering Documents, Wall Sections, Furniture, Exterior and Interior Renderings.

Construction Drawings (CD) – The final stage of the Pre-Construction phase is the Construction Drawings.

We package all aspects of the build for permitting and local jurisdiction requirements.


The project build begins once you and external entities approve these set of drawings.

The reason Pre-Construction is important for you to understand not only to understand the flow and terminology, but more importantly, to understand your impact and influence on budget.

Although we will give you a budget after the Programming phase, that number can change for numerous reasons.

BUT, as the Pre-Construction phase continues, each successive phase represents a decreasing ability to maintain and impact the overall budget. As seen in this graphic, the influence of change decreases while your cost of change goes up throughout the timeline.

If you’d like to learn more about the Pre-Construction process, and any of our projects that have used this so effectively to maintain budget integrity, Contact Us today.